Plan your Degree Expenses
Tuition for the Master of Contemporary China Studies Program is RMB 60,000 per academic year for the regular study period of two years.
Yearly tuition is due during registration at the beginning of each academic year.
Scholarship Support
The Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) scheme provides full and partial scholarships to international students studying in China. Full scholarships covers tuition, accommodation, living allowance and medical insurance. Partial scholarships covers a part of tuition fees, accommodation, living allowance and medical insurance.
We strongly recommend you to apply for this scholarship through the Chinese authorities in your home country, as this channel is the most promising, with the bast chances for you to win a scholarship award. While applying for the CGS through the program is also possible (deadline in this case is April 15th), the success rate is comparably low, as this channel favors applicants to degree programs taught in Chinese.
Your application to the CCSP program does NOT constitute an automatic application for the CGS, and our program administration and admissions team is NOT involved in any award decisions for this scholarship. Your success depends on the competitiveness of your application, which you directly submit to the according authorities.
Should you want to apply for the CGS, please submit your according application directly to the China Scholarship Council branch responsible for your home country (this is usually the Chinese embassy/consulate). Please also note, that Chinese embassies in different countries may set slightly different application deadlines for this scholarship, so please contact the according authorities well ahead of time.
Once you applied for the CGS, please include your CGS application information in your application package, which you submit to us when you apply for admission to the program: let us know that you applied for this scholarship, and also let us know if you have already received your scholarship award letter.
You may refer to this outline to get an idea of the CGS application process, and visit csc.edu.cn for more details on how and where to submit your scholarship application.
If you have any further questions, please check our FAQs section about fees & scholarships.
In addition to the Chinese Government Scholarship there is a number of tuition scholarships available to support selected excellent students from a variety of backgrounds in their studies. These tuition scholarships may cover full tuition or half tuition, or they may come in the form of a tuition refund upon successful completion of each semester. These tuition scholarships are funded from a variety of budgets and are subject to various application criteria, depending on the funding body of each budget. Quotas for these scholarships change every year.
Tuition scholarships are awarded based on two major aspects:
the competitiveness of your overall application package, and
award criteria of different funding bodies (such as nationality, education background, etc).
To apply for a tuition scholarship, please complete the scholarship components of our application materials. You will be notified about the outcome of your scholarship application (if and which amount of scholarship was awarded) by the end of June.
Please note, that scholarship award decisions are not made by our program’s administration and admission team. There are several award funding bodies involved in the scholarship award and decision process, and we are unfortunately not able to answer any questions regarding scholarship decisions before the end of June.
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